Bouquet of the best add-ons browser Google Chrome and Firefox

The Google Chrome and Firefox is web browsers of the most famous and the most popular and widely used, And therefore the store rich with many different tools that help Internet pioneers in their work, Still it is evolving and progressionةThese are some of the diverse additions:

Additions Google Chrome:

Magnifier :add a private site Facebook allows large images without access to.

News Hub : Add News Browser enables you to reach the latest news and articles from any site to add.

Fruumo : Add aesthetic Chrome browser for Windows, features dynamic design and fantastic 

Incognito Tab Switch : This add enables you to activate the stealth mode in any window you want with the one click.

WOT : Additions of very well-known, site assessment and warning in case you visit a dangerous site

Magic Actions forYouTube : A beautiful addition to control site YouTube is amazing

Click&Clean : Of the most widely used browser plugins, allows you to take full control of the browser, also plays an important protective

Firefox add-ons:

Easy Access :From which access to certain programs in Windows very easily without leaving the browser.

Fullscreen+ :Through which you can browse sites across the entire screen in a beautiful way, and give you access to the settings unwanted

Self-Destructing Cookies :The easiest and best way to get rid of the cookies immediately after the end of the browsing experience.

YouTube Smart Pause :Wonderful addition allows you to pause the video when you move to another video on YouTube

Yoono :Through which you can open all the social networks at once and in a single interface

Web Developer :Provides you with a set of necessary tools needed by every Web developer

Firebug :Add the other is used by most programmers and hacker provide you with a set of tools that will help you in your business